Is baar 16 minutes main kiya!

Is baar 16 minutes main kiya!
Photo by Greg Trowman on Unsplash

During a recent visit to the hair salon, my hairdresser completed my haircut and shampoo and excitedly quipped, “Sir, this time, I did it in 16 minutes!” His pride was evident, and when I affirmed his achievement, a big smile spread across his face.

This was a significant improvement from a couple of months ago. My first haircut with him had left me frustrated as it felt like an eternity. At the end of that session, he asked if I liked the haircut. I replied that while the haircut was fine, he had taken far too long—almost 25 minutes—for a simple hairstyle I maintain precisely because it should take no more than 15 minutes.

From that point on, every time I visited, he made it a point to aim for my goal of 15 minutes. He would ask me to time him, turning each session into a challenge to improve his efficiency. This went on for a couple of months, and during my last visit, he decided to time himself. That’s when he realized he was getting very close to the goal set for him, hitting 16 minutes this time!

So, how can this simple story help us ‘Shoot to the Top’?

The lessons here are simple yet profound, and though we all intuitively know them, we often overlook their practical application. Here’s what we can learn:

1. Clear, Actionable Goals: Setting specific, actionable goals can be a powerful motivator. In this case, the goal was clear—complete the haircut within 15 minutes. This clarity provided a target to aim for and a standard to measure progress against.

2. Feedback and Iteration: By providing feedback about the time taken, I helped the hairdresser become aware of an area for improvement. This turned into a game for him, creating a feedback loop where each iteration brought him closer to the goal.

3. Self-Motivation through Achievement: When the hairdresser took it upon himself to time the session, it showed a shift from external motivation (my feedback) to internal motivation. He took ownership of the goal, and the sense of achievement he felt was evident in his reaction.

Applying This to Your Team:

While goal setting isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, it remains a practical tool to align and motivate your team. Ensure the goals are:

Specific: Clearly define what you aim to achieve.

Measurable: Use metrics that allow progress tracking.

Achievable: Set realistic targets to maintain motivation.

Relevant: Align goals with broader organizational objectives.

Time-bound: Establish a timeline to create urgency.

In conclusion, this small incident from a hair salon serves as a reminder of the power of setting clear, actionable goals. Whether in a salon or a corporate environment, having a clear target can drive motivation, foster a sense of achievement, and ultimately help us ‘Shoot to the Top.’